Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Cisco Nexus - vPC

Here are few things right out of cisco documentation to keep in mind when deploying vPC's. I couldn't find all this at one place in the Cisco documentation (maybe I didn't look hard enough:) so I decided to put it here for those needing a quick fact check:

1. vPC peer link MUST consist of 10G ports.
2. vPC domains can't be stretched across multiple VDCs on the same switch.
3. vPC can't contain links that are terminated on different VDCs on the same switch.
4. You can only have ONE vPC domain per VDC or switch.
5. vPC domain can't have more than two peer switches or VDCs.
6. VDC configured for vPC must have its own vPC keepalive link and vPC peer link.
7. Since vPC is a layer 2 port channel, vPC doesn't support L3 port channels.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Back in the saddle again

After almost a 2 year hiatus, I'm back into my "ccie mode"....AGAIN :) . A lot of good change has happened in the last year or so, starting with a new job. I'm finally in a "cisco shop" environment so I get to work on different cisco platforms including Nexus 2k's, 5k's, and 7k's. I have setup a fully functional ccie rs lab at work (80% personal equipment, rest of the goodies are from work) and now going through INE vol-1 labs. I have heard some rumors about rs blueprint change coming soon but not sure how big of a change it will be. You will see a lot more posts here as I start the labs and come across technologies that I have hard time understanding, hoping that some of you can help out and maybe explain/clear my doubts.