Monday, March 7, 2011

CCIE R/S Rack Setup

With some luck and hard work, I have been able to secure three 1841 routers. The plan at this point is to setup the rack per INE topology as I already have the INE practice labs and the online class. After talking to a few CCIE's, it seems like the troubleshooting part of the lab is not all that bad....(that's what they have said, I will only agree with them once I pass the lab :). One thing that I have noticed though is the fact that MPlS portion is pretty straight forward, no traffic engineering or too involved VPN's.
I will be re-cabling the rack some time this week and running my first full lab during spring much for the spring break.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

CCIE RS 350-001

I finally went ahead and took the written exam today during lunch break and passed it. At this point, I'm about a month behind from where I should be in the CCIE studies. I have a feeling that fall behined by at least another couple of weeks as I have some side jobs that are taking a little longer than anticipated.
One a postive note, one of my clients who runs a non-profit called me this week and said "we are leaving our office sapce and moving the business phone lines to our home"....not understanding what exactly she wanted me to do, I asked her if she would need any help with that and she goes "oh no, AT&T will move the phone lines, I just want you to swing by the office and see if you need any IT stuff before we toss it all out"....she goes on to say "we already have a couple of computers at home to work with and do not want anything from here so just take what you want." So....what do I get, I get an 1841 router, a checkpoint firewall (which I asked them to buy a few months ago), a Drobo FS (I bought it for them in July), a high end UPS, a Dell server (it's an old 380 or something), and a few Linksys VoIP phones (about 5).
You guys know what I will be doing this weekend, praying and hoping that all that stuff doesn't get legs and walk away before this monday :)

****My golf instructor says I'm standing too close to the ball...after I hit it****